
Emma Fenelon’s studio is part of a small thriving artistic community based in railway arches around a courtyard under the platforms of Peckham Rye train station.

Emma Fenelon graduated in 2006, a year after first becoming a grandmother, with a 1st Ceramics from Camberwell College of Art, amidst a mass publicity about her use of human ash in her ceramic glazes.

I had a nomadic childhood and grew up thinking my father was James Bond, which as it turns out was not so very far from the truth. We moved between rural Essex, cold war Warsaw, and belle epoch Italy and then for breaks, stayed in my Grandmothers cold and crumbling Scottish castle, beautifully equipped with everything from a forgotten age, including spinning wheels and secret passages.

The risks inherent in my father’s career in espionage, added an edge to our continuously moving home and country, which along with my parents laissez faire parenting style, meant I often worried, in particular that we might leave something behind, possibly one of my growing band of baby brothers, as we moved.

Story telling was and still is an important part of my life and when we moved to Warsaw; the gas lighting, snow miles deep and dancing bears in the streets almost convinced me we had moved to Narnia.